EXHIBITOR PROFILE Access and Editing orders
Need to make changes to your Exhibitor Profile? How about add or revise your order? Below is a tutorial video on how to do both. Make sure your booth extras (power, lunches, party tickets, tables, chairs, carpet, etc.)(please not the venue is not carpeted) are set by 7/3/2025 as your ability to add booth extras through this system will be turned off at that time. Through 7/3/25 you will be able to use the system for all orders and revisions.
After 7/3/25 all orders and order revisions will need to go directly through ArtCraft. You will need to fill out the appropriate forms (below) and pay ArtCraft directly. If you wish to cancel elements or move to a different booth please contact the AME and a staff member will guide/assist you with that.
After 7/3/25 you will still have the ability to edit your Exhibitor Profile (address, website, who’s in the booth, etc.) and it will reman editable through the show.
Your profile is very important for not only you but also show organizers as well as it’s attendees. If you fail to properly fill out your profile the AME will not be able to promote your company through social media or any other outlets. Without a properly populated profile you will not be listed in the program. The cut off date for the program is July 15th, 2025. Tuesday July 1st is the cut off date for show marketing such as social postings or pre-show teasers.
For additional trade show furnishings other then what you saw during your registration process you may use the ArtCraft Exhibitor Kit linked below.
If you are the Admin of your Exhibitor Profile you may not block the AME’s email addresses “info@advancedmanufactruingexpo.com” and “no-reply@map-dynamics.com.” We keep our communications to a minimum and must be able to communicate with the admin. If the AME email continues to be blocked your reservation may be canceled and no refund will be afforded.
ArtCraft 2025 Exhibitor Kit
The full “Exhibitor Kit” linked below, offers elements that were not listed during registration. Should you need something additional for your booth this is where you will likely find it. Please do not order: Electrical, Air, Carpet, Padding, or Water via the form below until AFTER July 3rd, 2025.
Audio Visual Equipment Rental
Download, complete and return the audio visual form in order to rent equipment. Forms must be completed and returned two weeks prior to the event to ensure all equipment reservations. Forms can be returned to BlueWater Technologies via email at dvporder@bluewatertech.com.
**These services are NOT available via your Exhibitor Profile/Portal nor during the registration process. If you need these services you will need to use the forms linked above.
If you are the admin of your company’s Exhibitor Profile you can login to that software via the link below. You must have already placed an order/reservation and be the admin in order to login. First time access will require a passwords to be created.
Order Conformations
From within your Exhibitor Profile you should see a menu bar to the Left. One of the menu listings should be “Profiles Dashboard.” Once clicked you should see “My Order.” Once clicked you will be able to see existing order and their current status (paid, Unpaid, etc.) and make payments form there. Please see the screenshot below.
Exhibitor Profile / Edit Order Walkthrough Video
Edit - Change - Revise an existing reservation/order for Advanced Manufacturing Expo 2022
If you have questions, please contact us at: info@advancedmanufacturingexpo.com.